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Aerated Systems



68COULTER-Effluent_Sample_5yrs_Post_Install.jpgThe Biosafe Treatment Process of domestic Wastewater Treatment is one which uses a combination of anaerobic and aerobic processes to break down the organic contents of the waste stream. The Anaerobic Process is carried out devoid of oxygen, while the Aerobic Process is pumped full of oxygen.

The System produces a final effluent which can be safely and totally assimilated into the environment without causing any adverse effects. In fact it can be used to irrigate the land in replacement of fresh water, recycling what was previously a waste product. Thus saving money and contributing towards conserving our resources.

The standard Biosafe System can treat the domestic waste generated by up to 10 people and is easily able to be extended to cope with larger numbers as required, enabling sites such as Maraes, camp grounds and multi-dwelling properties to utilise the System. Existing septic tanks can be incorporated into the system, if the site and circumstances are suitable for the overall scheme, and there is an economic benefit to the owner.
